Monday, March 10, 2014


HEY GUYS! other than my blog has been the last thing on my mind these past few months… i've got red hair! oh & the cutest new design to my blog, thank you hunter. i most definitely can't promise i'll be able to keep up on these posts but i will try.

i often struggle reading so many blogs & not feeling absolutely crappy about me, my life, my marriage… i mean how can you when everyone is having babies, getting new expensive clothes, & going on free vacations because they have in laws who pay for everything?! unfortunately that's not tyler & i's situation. i felt as though my writing didn't even compare to the blogger world. why even bother writing?! but as tyler always tells me, "stop comparing & you will be happy." & that's just what i did. i don't write to have a million followers or to post the latest photoshoot i had. to those who do; you rock! i wish i had time for that. instead i'll do it to help my (awful) memory so that i can look back & remember.

i work three jobs & the daily duties of being a wife have kind of been put to the side.
but we make it work… most of the time!

ps. tyler & i booked a cruise to the western caribbean in may. hallelujah!
pss. we've almost been married a year, where did the time go! we will no longer be newly weds?!


  1. I love real life-tell it how it is-blogs! What you said is so true, I always tell myself that I blog for ME, but we all get caught up in comparing ourselves to others so-called "perfect" lives! Like here I am thinking you have the perfect life and have everything going for ya;)

    1. whit! it's hard isn't it? the blogging world makes everyone's lives look like a dream. trust me, my life is far from perfect! but you're sweet & your words mean so much. miss you & hope you're doing great!

  2. I compare all the time! And my husband tells me the same thing. I was really bad about comparing when I first got into blogging, and I saw that it kind of took a toll on my marriage because I was expecting my life to be like those I read about. Luckily I realized that and stopped comparing. It has made life a lot easier.
    I am loving the red hair BTW. :)

    1. totally! i always compared to those husbands who go above & beyond. i admit complaining to tyler multiple times asking why he couldn't do that for me! haha but i'm so glad i'm not the only one. our poor husbands… he sometimes wishes i didn't have a blog or instagram all together! & thank you! red hair is crazy but it's a fun change for a little bit :) hope you & your hubby are doing well!

  3. Hill! I know it's easier to give advice, then to receive it. But just remember God knows YOU. He knows your income, your hopes, your dreams, etc. He trusts you in these trials. We would not have testimonies without our tests. A quote always goes through my head when I'm roughing it out with life, "Make your life a triumph not a tragedy" :) love ya! Glad to see things are going well ❤

    1. NAT! thank you for thinking of me & sharing that! i loved it! i totally need to write that quote down… more than often i find myself complaining, "why me?" i sure do miss you & your sweet spirit. i hope things are going good being home from your mission. love you!

  4. Love the new blog! Keep posting away, because I love your blog! Let's get together soon!

  5. That picture of you is gorgeous! You're beautiful. I can totally relate to the comparing thing... It gets so frustrating reading peoples blogs when all they do is brag. Social Media is an interesting thing that way! A cruise sounds amazing though :) xo

  6. The first time I went on your blog I was comparing myself to you! And I was incredibly jealous because I thought your life looked perfect. Soooo.. Guilty. It really does take a toll on our self esteem.

    xo. M.

  7. Okay you seriously have the cutest swimsuits! Im dying to know where you got the pink and black one! love
