Monday, March 10, 2014


HEY GUYS! other than my blog has been the last thing on my mind these past few months… i've got red hair! oh & the cutest new design to my blog, thank you hunter. i most definitely can't promise i'll be able to keep up on these posts but i will try.

i often struggle reading so many blogs & not feeling absolutely crappy about me, my life, my marriage… i mean how can you when everyone is having babies, getting new expensive clothes, & going on free vacations because they have in laws who pay for everything?! unfortunately that's not tyler & i's situation. i felt as though my writing didn't even compare to the blogger world. why even bother writing?! but as tyler always tells me, "stop comparing & you will be happy." & that's just what i did. i don't write to have a million followers or to post the latest photoshoot i had. to those who do; you rock! i wish i had time for that. instead i'll do it to help my (awful) memory so that i can look back & remember.

i work three jobs & the daily duties of being a wife have kind of been put to the side.
but we make it work… most of the time!

ps. tyler & i booked a cruise to the western caribbean in may. hallelujah!
pss. we've almost been married a year, where did the time go! we will no longer be newly weds?!